Explorers, their foundations and social fund raising: A life-size photography exhibition that showcases the soul of Afghanistan (Mountain2Mountain)

Mountain 2 Mountain: protecting women’s rights as human rights
[Photo above: Brian Perich]

[Authors notes from Mountain2Mountain foundation] Streets of Afghanistan is a cultural, bigger-than-life art exhibition that highlights the beauty and soul of the land and the people of Afghanistan while challenging existing perceptions of the war-torn country.  A ground-breaking collaboration of Afghan and Western photographers through life sized photography.  
Photography is a means of expression. In a place where expression is often limited, allowing photographers to see their work in their homecountry is not just allowing them to take part in an art exhibit, it’s a form of empowerment. Seeing these photographs in the US gives us insight into a world we rarely see; seeing these photographs in Afghanistan is a statement, uniting a group of artists that are committed to political change. 
The Streets of Afghanistan emerged from the vision of Mountain 2 Mountain, a thriving Colorado-based nonprofit that adamantly believes that women’s rights are human rights. We believe that in order to provide opportunities and empowerment to women and girls, we must encourage and include the entire community, including men.
One founding ethos was the power of voice and the connection of communities and cultures to foster deeper understanding, compassion, and change.
We believe that change and empowerment must come from the inside.


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