Silk Road Tour – Abigail Washburn & The Village // Bicycle Touring Routes

Amazing music along the Silk Roads of China and Mongolia, North American musicians collaborate
If you have dreamed of cycling the Silk Roads, this area of western China is the place to start.
Three parts music and the last part includes photos from HimalayasX2011 expedition. Starting in northeast China by train to cycle across the vast geographical landscapes filled with diverse cultures of western China 
Distances, directions, languages all welcome you to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China
Expedition bicycle touring, 60 days of adventure.
Stealth camping, attach your tent to the bicycle, Borohoro ranges of Tian Shan Mtns, China

HimalayasX2011/2012 Project is supporting:

in partnership with: ETE, Education Through ExpeditionsUnited Kingdom

>Cycling Silk 2006: Dazzle and Dirt (Episode 1) (Resharing post: expeditions)

Cycling Silk 2006: Dazzle and Dirt (Episode 1) from Kate Harris on Vimeo.

A rough bike ride on China’s Silk Road. This is the first of three episodes about Mel, Ben, and Kate’s 2006 bike trip retracing Marco Polo’s travels in Xinjiang and Tibet. In this episode, the trio takes off from Urumqi, crosses the Tian Shan mountains, and traverses the Taklamakan desert. This only covers the first three weeks of four months on the open road…stay tuned for episodes two and three, and read about Kate and Mel’s upcoming return to the Silk Road here:

>Cycling Silk Expedition 2011 – by Kate Harris & Melissa Yule

Cycling Silk 2011 Trailer from Kate Harris on Vimeo.

This is an awesome 4-minute trailer to the original production raising awareness of environmental protection concerns along geographic and ecological boundaries of the original Silk Road. Adventure cyclists Kate Harris and Melissa Yule, two environmentalists and long-time friends have created an incredible expedition to follow. They are 3 months into a 12 month journey that will stretch across remote wilderness areas along the ancient Silk Road, an exploration route of Marco Polo. Follow their adventure and learn more about them here.